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David LeGrande, MA, RN

David LeGrande is the Director of Labor Outreach Strategy for the Healthy Work Campaign (HWC). He is also a Research Associate and Board Member of the Center for Social Epidemiology. David brings 50 years of work experience in the U.S. labor movement and will be integral to our outreach to labor organizations and worker advocates interested in addressing psychosocial work stressors, and utilizing the Healthy Work Survey and other HWC tools and resources.

First employed as an organizer and business representative with the Service Employees International Union and the Amalgamated Meatcutters of North America, he later accepted a position as Occupational Safety and Health Director with the Communications Workers of America, the position he held for 40 years until his retirement in 2018. During his work at CWA, he focused upon numerous member issues such as ergonomics (including work organization, occupational stress, and related health symptoms and illnesses), chemical and hazardous material issues, indoor air quality and design, as well as occupational and environmental safety and health regulatory and legislative efforts.

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