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The Healthy Work Campaign (HWC) is delighted to share our latest developments, including blog posts, team events, healthy work (Medium) articles, newsletters, news coverage and new website content. (Be sure to scroll down to access all six sections.)


What Healthy Work Could Mean for Retail Workers this Holiday Season

This holiday season, the Healthy Work Campaign urges employers and the public to have consideration and to express gratitude for the many workers whose work becomes highly demanding and stressful during the holidays. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in...



2-9-24 – Healthy Work Campaign Case Studies on Bus Drivers Featured in Heigh Ho Blog & Podcast

On February 8th, Bob Merberg (a friend of the Healthy Work Campaign) published “Steering Thru Stress: What Bus Drivers’ Working Lives Teach Us About Wellbeing” (a “Heigh Ho” blog post and podcast episode).

This blog and podcast features:

Visit our Healthy Work Strategies page to access more case studies with solutions via Workplace research studies and programs to reduce work stressors, Labor-Management Contracts, Laws and Regulations, and more.


The Workplace Causes Loneliness

by Marnie Dobson Zimmerman, PhD & Peter Schnall, MD MPH*

The Workplace Causes Loneliness article imageHalf of adults in the United States experience loneliness, and it was increasing even before the pandemic’s social isolation. Social relationships and adequate social support are key social determinants of health. Loneliness not only has consequences for mental health, contributing to and worsening depression and anxiety, but also to physical health, increasing your risk of heart disease, stroke, and dementia. The connection of loneliness to premature death is startling. The impact of being socially disconnected is equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day, even greater than obesity and physical inactivity. COVID exacerbated social disconnection and loneliness, making an already alarming mental health crisis even worse…

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Newest Web Content

Team Roles, Employers page, Media, etc. – July 2023

Interested in what we’ve been up to since our last post? In late July, we updated these pages as follows:

Have a suggestion for a video we could produce or resource for one of our Tools pages? Email us at